This is a scene that exists not only in my mind, but on a few slides I took while I was stationed in Japan in the early 60s. I have yet to find the slides, but I have not searched too extensively. Some scenes are best left alone, at least until we feel we might not get another look at them again. Until then, I shall continue to paint this corner in Yokohama time and again, each time with a bit more reality from memories that continually awaken as I grow older. Strange that as one grows older, those events that once seemed so far away seem to come closer. Why is this so? Is there some type of time loop that we are on that is like a round-trip ticket that takes us back as we near the end of our journey? If there is a viewer or reader who shares this experience, please feel invited to share with comments. I would like to hear other opinions and theories.
Where the Ultra Rich Came From
3 weeks ago