Help Japan Brighton University Peace Cranes
Illustration by Chihiro Kyozuka
A group from Brighton University (including the renown Art School), England raised funds in support of the victims of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami 東北地方太平洋沖地震, in Japan.
Their activities included running Origami Peace Crane workshops. The full text of a document accompanying a display exhibit of some of the Peace Cranes made - including details of the charities supported - can be read in the description here.
The full text of the poster reads:
"We are a group of Japanese student in University of Brighton, On 11th March 2011, the biggest earthquake and tsunami have occurred in north east of Japan is seriously damaged. The earthquake is still continuing.....
In order to support this earthquake disaster, we are collecting donations to send to British Red Cross. We would very appreciate your help. Thank you for your concern.
Arigato!" [Thank you!]
If you are based in the UK also visit:
Red Cross [British Red Cross Japan Tsunami Appeal website]
or just Donate...
Oxfam [Great Britain / UK - Japan Earthquake and Tsunami website]
or just Donate...
Part of a set / Slideshow. セットの一部 / スライドショー
も参照してください / See also:
Help the Tsunami Victims [Oxfam, Brighton]
Support for Japan [University of Sussex, Brighton]
Help Japan [Oki-Nami / ジヤパニ一ズ・ダィニソグ restaurant window]
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