SHORTLY AFTER ARRIVING IN JAPAN, I PURCHASED A PETRI at the Navy Exchange in Yokohama. It had the "new magic eye" or built-in light meter, a feature I thought would make a great difference in that I would not have to worry about Fstops and all the technical aspects. It was, in reality, a forerunner of the AUTOMATIC FEATURE. In other words, it was a point and shoot.
I shot many slides to begin with due to the high cost of color film. Hopefully, they are still in good shape, and I will be able to transfer them into photos and thus transfer them to my Flickr photostream. If there is a method for using a scanner to enlarge slides and get them into my system, I have not yet figured it out.
Through a contact in Flickr, I have been presented a Petri and am eagerly awaiting its arrival to see if it is still as fascinating as I recall. The best way to prove this, however, would be through board a JAL for Tokyo and then start shooting great photos. Maybe, sometime, I hope to return. It would be a second adventure of a lifetime.......Robert
Where the Ultra Rich Came From
3 weeks ago