Thank you for visiting this blog. It's my favorite blog and the one I tend to as much as possible. There are many imperfections within this blog; there are words spelled in error and grammer that needs attention, so thanks for your patience. My initial purpose for beginning this blog was to simply share my experiences enjoyed in Japan during my tour of duty. It was only 28 months, but they made a lifelong impression on both my mind and heart.
This blog is made possible through the cooperation of the photographers and artists who have permitted me to include their works in my blog. Where possible, I have tried to give credit to those who created works and photography more than a century ago. Many of the photos of the really vintage nature are from the 19th century. Many of the 20th century works are from the archives of government cites, Wikipedia and other sources.
Naturally, where my photos and art are displayed, you will see my byline. As far as followers, I would like to have many; I want to share this blog with all who have interests similar to my own. So, if you enjoy my blog, please comment or become a follower and receive updates each time new material is posted.